As the world continues to discuss solutions to our climate challenges, businesses from a variety of sectors are leading the way by making ambitious pledges, investing in and implementing carbon reduction technologies. Their actions are good for business and the environment.

As the 2019 U.N. Climate Change Conference — COP25 — concluded in Madrid, it remains clear that businesses must take the lead in collaborating with governments to identify and implement global solutions needed to reduce emissions while growing prosperity progress. That is why CEOs and union leaders have called for the U.S. to stay in the  Paris  Agreement,  “Together, driving progress on addressing climate change is what’s best for the economic health, jobs, and competitiveness of our companies and our country.”

Addressing the climate challenge with bold, durable solutions and advancing economic prosperity are not mutually exclusive. Businesses can and will provide sustainable employment, while investing in the technology needed to reduce the risks climate poses to companies and communities alike.

We are collecting climate leadership summaries highlighting what members of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce are doing to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and offer climate solutions across the broader economy.

Here are a few examples:

These examples only scratch the surface of how businesses are leading in the effort to tackle climate change. Through innovation and entrepreneurship, the companies are demonstrating that significant progress is possible.

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